Our History

The IAGG-FGE was created by the IAGG-World President, Prof. John Rowe, at the end of the 2017 San Francisco IAGG World Congress to expand the training mission of the Association. Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel, a pioneer in this domain after the set up and implementation of presence-based “Train the Trainers” sessions.

2020: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have transitioned our renowned training programs to an online format « e-TRaining in Gerontology and GERiatrics (e-TRIGGER)” programme

Leadership & Governance

IAGG-World Presidents 2017-2026

Prof. John Rowe

IAGG-W President


Prof. José Jauregi

IAGG-W President


Prof. Miguel Acánfora

IAGG-W Secretary


Prof. Bianca Buurma

IAGG-W President


Prof. Martin Huisman

IAGG-W President


IAGG-World – Federation of Geriatric Education  2024-2026

Prof. Jean-Pierre Michel

University of Geneva

Prof. Hidenori Arai

National Gerontoloy Center

Prof. Marvin Formosa

International Institute of Aging

Prof. Luis Miguel Gutierrez Robledo

Mexico Institute of Geriatrics

Prof. Mike Martin

University of Zurich

IAGG-World – Federation of Geriatric Education  2024-2026

Prof. Mario Barbagallo


Prof. Cheng-Chieh Lin


Dr. Radhouane Gouiaa


Prof. Kenneth Madden

North America

Prof. Fernando Botta

South America

Health Sciences e-Training Foundation – HSeT

The Swiss Health Science eTraining Foundation (HSeT) develops e-learning programs that are tailored to the needs  and culture of specific groups of trainees as defined by the institutions themselves. This customized online training (COLT) approach integrates novel pedagogical strategies and tools to map and assess each individual student’s progress at every step.

HSeT Team

Pascale Anderle

Senior Scientific Project Manager

Rafaela Fernandes
da Silva

Senior Scientific Project Manager

FIona Ecarnot

Senior Scientific Coordinator

Jane Barratt

Senior Scientific Project manager

Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuhl

Senior Scientific Project Manager

Jean-Pierre Michel

Senior Scientific Project Manager

Joël Belmin

Senior Scientific Project manager

Alain Meystre

Web & Design Illustrator


The IAGG e-TRIGGER training is proudly supported by esteemed partners dedicated to advancing global healthcare for the elderly.

International Institute on Ageing, United Nations – Malta – INIA


International Psychogeriatric Association


IFA – International Federation
on Ageing

South African Academy
of Family Phyicians

FIP – International Pharmaceutical Federation


The IAGG e-TRIGGER training is generously supported by our dedicated sponsors.

Institute for Healthy Aging

VELUX Foundation


OAK Foundation